Mowing and Plowing
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Lawn Care & Snow Removal Services Near You. Fast !

Affordable Pricing. Fast Online Ordering. Satisfaction Guaranteed

Book your lawn care or snow plowing in 1 minute

Affordable Pricing
Same Day Service
Service Guarantee

Order Lawn Mowing and Snow Plowing services Online

Add few details

Instantly order lawn care and snow removal services , Fast . Just enter your address and a few details and get your instant price.

GPS Tracking & Chat

Our NEW GPS Tracking feature allows you to track your provider during jobs. Also our live chat feature Keeps you connected during storms.

Choose provider

Choose your provider or Instantly get your job booked Find a provider you Love , with our new Favorite Provider feature you get to pick who receives your job FIRST.

Manage you account Online or Mobile APP

Make Payments , Schedule Jobs , Chat with Provider , GPS tracking , View Jobs and much more through your Customer Portal or APP.

Convenient Scheduling

Easily schedule one-time , recurring , and same day services with our online booking feature. Manage it all 24/7 online or with our NEW APP.

Customer Support

We provider quality customer support to help manage your account. Contact us via Phone or through your online account / APP.

Become an expert in Snow removal & Lawn Care

Sign up to become a provider for Mowing and Plowing.It's Free! Get jobs sent to you directly to your phone daily. Grow you business by up to 40% by picking up Lawn Mowing and Snow Plowing Jobs.

We'll text you a link for the free app

Download the APP now and Sign Up

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Lawn care and Snow Plowing Near Me.

You've got the right place if you're looking for a great, affordable lawn care service. At Mowing and Plowing, we operate in a unique way. We are changing the lawn care business by applying high tech to a traditionally low tech industry.

From one-time lawn mowing to continuing lawn care maintenance, yard clean up, and snow removal our experienced, professional lawn experts will offer a service that is carefully matched to your services needs.

Minimize both time and money

Mowing and Plowing is an on-demand home service APP with many great features to help you manage one or many of your properties. We know how hard it is to find a good provider so we put them all on one great app.

No More Bids ! Just up - Front Pricing Waiting for bid after bid can not only take time but can become frustrating. We created a system that uses the industries averages and created an instant pricing feature.

Manage all your jobs in one place

With our NEW customer portal you can manage all your properties 24/7.

Wallet Feature
Live jobs Alerts
GPS Tracking









Instantly order Lawn Mowing or Snow Plowing from the top providers in your area.

What our clients say

I was part of the test group in Austin. I thought it was a cool idea so I jumped in. So far so good.

Austin , Texas

They did a great job on my driveway. I have been using them for years before the app and now its even better.

Tracey Lavert
Cleveland, Ohio

This is an honest company . I received an alert that my job was cancelled the day before it was due . I called and Joy in the office told me they already found a replacement for me and the job was done on time. Great job fellas.


4 Year customer but new to the APP. Last season I never had to talk to anyone because it was all automatic. The guys just showed up every Tuesday.

Shaker Height , Ohio

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Snow removal offered in cities marked with
@foreach ($city_list as $city) {{ $city->CITY }}, {{ $city->state->STATE_NAME }} @endforeach()