nimbus.yml IP Address: ssh mangoadmn@ password: MangoAdmn@2022 sudo kill -9 $(sudo lsof -t -i:5002) MangoAdmn@2022 pm2 start npm --name "node-backend" -- start [attach screenshot here] Hello Helge and Steffen, curl --location --request POST '' \ --header 'Authorization: Basic NjIxNzYxNjljNTNjYTJkOTM1M2QwNmY4Ojk3ZWYyMTFlN2M0MDRiM2Q3MTIxMDI1NjFkNTMzMjJj' http://localhost:41137/previous-user-invoice/28123 Tarun Pasangya Thanks Tarun Pasangya Hello Helge and Steffen, We have addressed the feedback points on our Mango development server ( Additionally, we have merged our changes on the Tutonet server. Steffen and Helge, kindly review and verify the changes on the Mango development server ( first. Afterward, please proceed to merge the changes on the Tutonet server. If you encounter any issues, please notify me via email so that we can investigate further. Thanks Tarun Pasangya Yesterday, I have checked this and it is working properly. Now I am checking your video and will update you accordingly. Hello Helge, We have mearged our latest changes on CRM backend on tuyonet server. Please mearge this changes and inform us so that we can check same things on crm stageing server. Hello Steffen, Can you please create a video for creating expired test license user video of billwerk and provide us, so that we can create 2 to 3 customer which test licence is expired and test that point as well one more time. Hello Helge, Can you please let me know the Role of this user. Please remove view permission for sales patner. After that sales patner not visiable user section. canActivate: [AuthGuard,AdminGuard], Hello Tarun, if user is sales partner the issue is still existing. I have one question related to one point Currently we are fetching this order details from the billwerk API. Now I am working on adding user validation in this API. In this URL "64f5ef6330b6df6663708b6d" this is the order id for the particuler customer and each customer has Uniq order id. My question is that, It may be possiable other user know the order Id of the other customer? OK I am adding one more security related to user id. http://localhost:41331/order-details/65099a3a0aa0a58e54831728 I am checking Backend security point which you have shared. Hello Steffen, I have only two point is remaning 1. 2. Backend security API point I have only two points remaining: 1.Link to Order Details :- 2. Backend security API point I am still working on these two points. For point two I think our authenticationMiddleware is not working due to recent changes. I will fix this and will update you accordingly. Hello Steffen and Helge, For this two point 1.Link to Order Details :- 2. Backend security API point I have required some time for checking all things and adding new user validation. It already to lates currently in Indian 1:45 AM time. So I will check this two point tommorrow morning in office and fix this asap and will update you accordingly. For these two points: 1. Link to Order Details: 2. Backend security API point I require some time to review all the details and implement new user validation. It's already quite late, currently 1:45 AM in India. I will address these two points tomorrow morning when I'm in the office, and I will provide updates accordingly. const authenticateToken = (req, res, next) => {})